41 Years of Excellence

Sweety Murmu

Sweety Murmu
Msc. M.phil

  1. Mrs. Sweety Murmu
SL. No. Name of the Institution/Organization Date Level Topic
1. Odisha Botanical Society, MSCBD University, Takatpur 20.01.2020- 23.01.2020 (3 days) National Level Conference on the topic of “Green Technology”
2. Ramanujan College, University of Delhi 01.10.2020-15.10.2020 (2 weeks) National Level Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology
3. Ramanujan College, University of Delhi 10.11.2020-09.12.2020 (4 weeks) National Level Orientation Programme for Higher education on Teaching learning qualities
4. Salipur Autonomous College,Cuttack 20.07.2020 National Level Webinar Medicinal values of Endangered species of Plants
5. Rayagada Autonomous College, Rayagada 09.01.2021 National Level Webinar Latest Advances in Agriculture and Health
6 Department of Chemistry, B.B. College,Baiganbadia, 28.05.2022 International Webinar Green chemistry for sustainable future
7 Ministry of Education’s Institution Innovation Council. Gulzar Group of Institutes Ludhiana (Punjab) 24.03.2023-30.03.2023 (7 days) National Level Faculty Development Programme on InnovativeTeaching Strategies and Tools in the Digital Age
12 Department of Zoology, B.B. College, Baiganbadia 20.04.2023 State Webinar Environmental Education and Awareness for future sustainability

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