41 Years of Excellence

Rules & Regulations

  1. The Academic Session of the College is from June to May.
  2. Commencement of Classes : Dates of Commencement of classes are notified after the re-opening of the College.
  3. Admission :- Students are to apply in the prescribed form for admission within 15 days from the date of publication of HSC & CHSE Results or as notified by the College.
  4. Selections are made on merit basis. In case of controversy or dispute, the Principal is the final authority.
  5. A candidate who takes admission in the College besides abiding by the rules and regulations of the College must consider the College to be his/her property. She/he must see to its beauty, decency and decorum. She/he must not mutilate the College walls or disfigure them. She/he must not damage electrical or electronic equipment provided to a room/hall. In such case he/she should remember that those articles have been possible by a private body without much Govt. help.
  6. A student must always be in possession of a valid Identity Card till he passes out. A Valid Identity Card means the Identity Card with renewals done. In case of loss of the Identity Card, the student should obtain a duplicate on payment of Rs. 5/- at the Admission Counter.
  7. For other guidelines the students need refer to the Latest College Prospectus and the notices on the College Notice Boards.
  1. Normally three bi-monthly examinations are conducted by the College in one academic session. The +2 Test Exam. will be held in the last week of November and the +3 Test Exam. will be held in the 2nd week of December.
  2. One Annual Examination at the end of +2 1st Yr will be held during the month of April from among 1st Yr subjects/topics at the college level.
  3. The exact date, program, duration, number of papers etc. will be notified sufficiently before the commencement of the exams.
  4. Students resorting to malpractice, misbehavior will be seriously dealt with and will run the risk of being expelled from the College on the grounds of misconduct. The Orissa Conduct of Examinations Act. 1988 has made the offence cognizable, i.e., non-bail able.
  5. The student shall not be allowed into the examination hall without the renewed Identity Card.
  6. Willful absence from the examination shall render student liable for fine or detention.
  1. The C.H.S.E, Orissa, Bhubaneswar has been conducting an Annual Examination every year in the month of March( i.e. the first Monday of March) for Second Year students from among the Second Year subjects/topics.
  2. In order to be able to appear the Council Exam., the candidate must be regular at  class and have 75 % attendance in the class.
  3. The Form for CHSE Exam. should be submitted in the 1st Week of Dec.
    1. Once in the beginning of the session the Executive Body of each Association will meet and prepare the detailed budget for the whole year. A copy of the budget shall be submitted to the Principal for approval and utilisation of the Association funds.
    2. Application requisitioning funds shall be made to the Principal by the Secretary through the Adviser / Vice-President.
    3. The Secretary shll receive payment on proper receipts through the adviser / Vice-President of the concerned association.
    4. Expenditure statements in the prescribed form together with vouchers counter signed by adviser/Vice-President shall be submitted by the Secretary to the Principal oridinarily within 2 (two) weeks from the date of advance.
    5. Funds shall be requisitioned strictly in accordance with the budget allotments. No second advance should ordinarily be given when one advance is outstanding provided however that is exceptional circumstance. For good and sufficient reasons the Principal may at his discretion, relax application of his rules on the recommendation of the Adviser / Vice-President of concerned Associations.
    6. Each Society/Association/Union shall subsribe 20% of the total annual subscription collected, to the Development fund of the College.
    7. Under no circumstances shall, the amount alloted for the Union/Association/ Society, be spent otherwise and any such unspent or unutilised amount shall automatically go to the College Development Fund.
    8. Before incurring expenditure of a particular association the details are to be framed by the executive body passed by the Adviser / Vice-President and approved by the Principal.
    9. For any single item exceeding Rs.100/- in value, quotation should be called for before making any purchase.
    10. TA & DA shall be paid at the following rates to students repre- sentatives from the funds of different Associations/Union whenever they are deputed for specific purpose by the Principal.
    11. Journey by Train/Bus-they are only permitted and payment limited to actual expenditure by the lowest class.
    12. DA be paid at the rate of Rs.20/- per day and for this purpose time from commencement of Journey be taken into account.
    13. The Secretary of each association/Union shall place the account of the year for discussion and passing. No dues certificate of the concerned Secretary which he/she shall produce before he/ she is promoted to the next higher calss or allowed to seat in the University Examination or take his CLC as the case may be .
    14. The statement of money drawn by office bearers and expenditure incurred for every function shall be notified in the college notice board after being approved by the executive committee within 10days of the function.
    15. The full detailed statement of expenditure for the previous session must by presented at the annual meeting called for the purpose of handing over and taking over charges.
    16. Stock Register should be maintained in respect of articles of a durable nature purchased from the fund of different Associations/ Union.
    17. The account of the Athletic Club will be maintained by the PET and be governed by such rules of the Athletic Association.
    18. If any elected executive of the Students’ Union / Association /Societies hampers the interest of the Institution, the Principal with due approval of the Staff Council is empowered to remove him / her from office for the rest of the session.
    19. In case of suspension of Election under any circumstance the Principal may transact the business of the Association in consultation with Adviser / Vice-President of the concerned Association.
    20. Funds of the Associations shall be under the custody of the Principal and shall be operated by him.