41 Years of Excellence

Allied Societies

Our Day Scholars’ Association

  1. All Day Scholars of our College are the members of this Association.
  2. There is an Executive Committee consisting of
    • Principal – Ex-officio President.
    • Vice-President – to be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members and he will preside over all the meetings of the Association.
    • Associate Officer – may be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members.
    • Secretary – to be elected from among the +3 students.
    • Asst. Secretary – to be elected from among the +2 students.
    • One Class Representative from each class will be selected from among the students unanimously in their respective classes.
  3. The Secretary with approval of the President and Vice-President shall organize all functions and Puja Celebrations of the Association and shall record the minutes of the Association.
  4. The fund of the Association shall be under the control of the Principal.
  5. The meeting of the Association shall be open to all members of the College and staff members as visitors.
  6. The Principal shall be the authority in all matters relating to the Association.

Our Dramatic Society

  1. Our Dramatic Society is called the B. B. College Dramatic Society.
  2. All the Students of the College are the members of this Society.
  3. The Committee of management consists of:
    • Principal – Ex-officio President.
    • Vice-President – nominated by the Principal from among the staff members.
    • Associate Officer – may be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members.
    • Secretary – to be elected from among the +3 students.
    • Asst. Secretary :- to be elected from among the +2 students.
    • One Class Representatives from each class will be selected by the students unanimously in their respective classes.
  4. The aim and objectives of the Society are :
    • To encourage the cultivation of dramatic art among the members by arranging Dramatic performances.
    • To promote cultural activities like Dance and Music.
  5. The Committee of management shall decide and fix the date and nature of performance to be staged and shall submit a statement of accounts at the annual General Body Meeting.
  6. The Secretary shall convene meetings and keep records of proceedings of these meetings and he is also responsible for keeping up-to-date accounts.
  7. If the Secretary or the Asst. Secretary fails to discharge their duties properly, they can be removed from the office.
  8. The Principal may alter, amend or abrogate any of the rules at his discretion.

Our Athletic Association

  1. Ours is called the B. B. College Athletic Association.
  2. All students of the College are the members of this Association.
  3. The Executive Committee of the Association comprises the following :
    • Principal – Ex-officio President.
    • Vice-President – to be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members.
    • Associate Officer – to be nominated by the Principal from among the staff members.
    • PET of the College shall be a member of the Executive Committee of the Association.
    • Secretary – to be elected from among +3 students.
    • Asst. Secretary – to be elected from among the +2 students.
    • One Class Representatives from each class to be selected by the students unanimously in their respective classes.
    • Girls’ representatives 2 each from +3 & +2 Wings to be selected from among the women students of the College.
  4. All the meetings of the Association shall be presided over by the President or the Vice-President as the case may be.
  5. The meeting of the Association shall be convened by the Secretary with at least 2 days notice to the members unless.
  6. Vice-President will be the general superintendent of the games, accounts, correspondences and purchases of the Association.
  7. The Executive Committee of the Association will select Captains and Vice-Captains of various games.
  8. The Secretary will organize the College games with the assistance of the captains and vice-captains of respective games.
  9. The PET is to make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of the annual sports and games.
  10. The secretary will present the annual report of the College in the Annual Athletic Meet.

The Social Service Guild

The objectives of the Guild is to grant stipends to the needy and deserving students and to consider regarding free studentship.

  1. The Principal as ex-officio President controls the fund of the Guild and can amend or alter any of the rules of the constitution.
  2. There is an Executive Committee consisting of the following :
    • President – Principal(Ex-officio).
    • Vice-President – nominated by the Principal from among the members of the staff.
    • Secretary – to be elected from among the +3 students.
    • Asst. Secretary to be elected from among the +2 students.
  3. The Secretary has to convene General and Executive Body meetings and the record proceedings of all meetings. He will invite applications for help from poor students of the College.
  4. The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the Guild.

The Selection of S.S.G. is made on the following terms & conditions.

  • This scholarship is not awarded to S. C. and S. T. students.
  • The students should not apply for any other scholarship.
  • The income of the parents / guardian should not be more than Rs.10,000/-. and they should produce their income certificates from Sarapanch / Ward Members of their locality.
  • Not more than one child of the same parents will be entitled to get the scholarship.
  • The students must attend the classes regularly.
  • If the office finds any false statement made by the applicant, his/her scholarship will be withdrawn from him/her.
  • This award of scholarship depends on the satisfaction of the Principal / Vice-President.

Students Common Room

  1. The College provides two Common Rooms for men and women students of the college for healthy recreation and mutual contact among the students. There are provisions for some indoor games like Chess, Carrom etc. for the use of the students in their leisure hours.
  2. The affairs of the Common Rooms are managed by a committee consisting of –
    • Principal,
    • Two to four members of the teaching staff nominated by the Principal, who are in-charge of the Common Rooms.
    • A student Secretary to be elected from among +3 students and an Asst. Secretary to be elected from among +2 students of the College.
    • A Joint Secretary to be elected from among the women students of the College for Girls’ Common Room.
  3. The senior member of the committee will remain in-charge of accounts.
  4. All meetings of the committee shall be presided over by the Principal or Senior member of the teaching staff. The meeting of the committee shall be convened by the Secretary with 48 hours notice to the members unless in emergency. The quorum shall consist of at least one third of the strength of the committee in extra-ordinary meeting convened either by the Secretary, Officer- in-charge or by the Principal as the case may be.
  5. The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the Students’ Common Rooms.