41 Years of Excellence

Students’ Union

Our Students’ Union is called the B. B. COLLEGE STUDENTS’ UNION, BAIGANBADIA. The aims of the Union are-

  • To act as the sole organ of Students’ opinion on all matters of students’ interest within the framework of the College rules.
  • To work for the development of the cultural life and to uphold the moral values of the student community.
  • To foster and encourage corporate academic life, unity and co-operation among the members of the Union.
  • To promote educational, social and general interest in students and to take such other steps as are conducive to the fulfillment of the above objectives.
  • To organize discussion and debates on cultural and academic problems.
  • To invite eminent persons to address in the Union Function with the permission of our Principal.
  • To discharge such other activities as our Principal may prescribe or as the Executive Committee may decide with the permission of the Principal.

The working year will be the academic year.


 All the bonafide students of the College except those of +2 classes are ipso facto members of the College Union. One whose name is not on the rolls of the College can not be a member of the the Union.


The following shall be the Office-Bearers of our college-

  1. The President.
  2. The Vice-President
  3. The General Secretary
  4. The Assistant Secretary

The Executive Committee of the College Union shall consist of the above office bearers and 9 Class Representatives from +3 classes and one girls’ representative to be elected by the women students from among themselves.

  • There shall be an Adviser and Associate Adviser(s) nominated by our Principal from among the members of the Staff.
  • The Adviser and the Associate Adviser(s) will be present at ordinary and Executive Committee meetings of the Union.
  • The Advisers will assist by helpful suggestions, if necessary, in the proper conduct of the meeting.
  • The President may refer to them any rule for interpretation and the decision of the Advisers, when so referred to shall be final.
  • The Adviser can preside over the meetings if specially requested by the Principal.

Although any student of the College is eligible to contest election to the College Union, and other allied Associations, he/she must

  1. be regular at our classes and must not have fallen short in attendance of  75% &
  2. have not had any criminal case against him/her to make  liable for disqualification at any point of time, i.e., before or after the elections.

Any student of +3 final year classes of the College is eligible to stand for the president ship of the Union. The President shall preside over all ordinary meetings of the Union at which he/she is present. He/she shall be responsible for maintenance of order and interpretation of the rules. His/her ruling shall be final except the case in which the ruling of the Adviser is given. In such case, the Ruling of the Adviser shall be considered final.


Any member of the Union is eligible to contest for the post of vice-president. In the absence of President he/she will discharge all the duties.


Any member of the Union can stand for the Secretary of the Union. The Secretary shall arrange debates, give notice for all meetings whether annual, ordinary or extraordinary. The Secretary shall select the subject for debate in consultation with the President and the Adviser. The Secretary shall maintain the accounts of the Union.


Any member of the Union can stand for the Assistant Secretary of the Union. The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharging the duties and in his/her absence perform all his functions.


Every +3 class is entitled to send one class representative and a girl’s representative shall be elected by the girl’s students only.

  • For the purpose of election of the office bearers to the union, the date is announced after receipt of the Govt. order regarding college elections.
  • Class representatives shall be elected by the concerned classes. If any class fails to elect its representatives the Principal is competent to nominate.
  • Every member of the union has a right to cast vote in every election whose Identity Card is duly renewed for that session.
  • No member shall cast more than one vote for each office.
  • Election shall be conducted and votes recorded and attested in such manner as the Principal shall determine.
  • The candidate obtaining the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.
  • In case of tie, the election of the successful candidates shall be determined by lot.
  • In no case recounting of votes will be allowed. The final interpretation rests with the Principal and the decision of the Principal on any doubt and dispute thereto is final and binding.
  • Nomination to such election duly seconded shall reach the Principal in writing at least six days before the date of election.
  • The nominations after proper scrutiny by the Principal shall be published the day following the date of withdrawal. The with- drawl may be made in writing the very next day of the date of nomination.
  • No candidate can be allowed to file his/her nomination for more than one post.
  • One student is allowed to contest once in his/her student career.

The office bearers of the College Union shall assume their responsibilities after they take an oath in the following form-
I————having been / elected as————of B.B. College Students’ Union do hereby solemnly affirm that I shall discharge my duties earnestly and sincerely in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. I further affirm that my activities shall, by no means, be detrimental to the interest and welfare of the Institution.

  • The oath shall be administered by the Principal or his nominee on such a date and in such a manner as he may think befitting.
  1. The office bearers shall hold office for the entire session unless they
  1. Cease to be the Students of the College.
  2. Voluntarily resign in writing addressed to the Principal or
  3. Are removed as provided in Rule 15(b) below
  1. An office bearer who fails in proper discharge of his/her duties can be removed by a vote of no confidence passed by 2/3rd of the members of the College Union present and voting in an extra- ordinary meeting called for the purpose. For such a vote of Non-confidence, 1/4 of the total members of the Union shall give a petition to the Principal with signature, class and roll number.
  2. Office bearers who are University examinees shall be deemed to have vacated their offices before the date of their form fill- ups for forthcoming examinations fixed by the University.
  3. Any office falling vacant in spite of these arrangements the Principal has the free hand to nominate an office bearer from among the Union members.

The Union fund shall usually be utilized in

  1. Inviting eminent persons to address the College Union.
  2. Any other item which may be approved by the Executive Body of the Union.
  3. All bills for payment and vouchers shall be countersigned by the Advisor of the Students’ Union after the approval of the Executive Body.
  4. The fund will be maintained as B. B. College Union fund and the accounts will be operated by the Principal and with- drawls will be made by him when requisitioned by the Union Secretary through the Adviser.
  5. The fresh withdrawal will not be allowed unless accounts and necessary vouchers of the previous withdrawals are submitted to the Principal countersigned by the Adviser.
  6. The Union accounts shall be subjected to audit by an auditor appointed by the Principal.

An ordinary Meeting of the Union shall be arranged by the Secretary in consultation with the President, and with the approval of the Adviser. The Secretary shall serve a notice to be issued two days before each ordinary meetings containing the following particulars-

  1. Date of meeting
  2. Place of meeting
  3. Purpose of meeting

An Extra-ordinary meeting of the Union may be convened

  1. At the Principals’ discretion.
  2. On a written requisition addressed to the Principal and singned by not less than 50 members of the Union.
  3. On request of the President.
  4. The Principal or any person nominated by him shall preside over the extra-ordinary meeting.

The meeting of the Executive Body shall be held as the President suggests or on a requisition by not less than 4(four) members of the Executive Body.

  1. During debates all general rules shall be observed.
  2. At the commencement of each meeting the Secretary shall read the minutes of the last meeting of the Union.
  3. The presence of 1/3rd of the members in any meeting is necessary for quorum.
  4. The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to Union.
  1. Amendment to any of the rules shall by considered in the annual meeting.
  2. An amendment shall be usually secured and given notice of at least a week earlier.
  3. An amendment passed by the meeting 2/3rd of the students present and voting at the annual meeting on rules of (College) Union and approved by the Principal will come into force from the date of approval.