41 Years of Excellence


National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) has been in our College since 1987. Now our College has three Units in +3 and two Units in +2. The motto of NSS is Not me but you. Students should join NSS in the interest of the Nation as well as of the community. N.S.S. wings aim at promoting the sense of civic consciousness and to inculcate a sense of social responsibility, discipline, dignity of labor, ideal citizenship among students. NSS students get weight age in higher studies and job sector. Each Unit of our College consists of 50 volunteers.

How To Join

Students can voluntarily apply in the prescribed Application Performa to join N.S.S. Such applications should be submitted to the programme officer. Students with previous experience in Social Service are given special preference for selection. The volunteers will be supplied with work diary and badges after selection.

Plans and projects are taken up periodically on Sundays, holidays and during the puja holidays, X-mas & summer vacation. Detailed information can be available from programme officers, N.S.S. units, B.B.College, Baiganbadia.

Download the NSS Application Form

Youth Red Cross (Y.R.C)

Youth Red Cross Society is organised for the purpose of inculcating in the youth of the country, the ideals of peace and the practice of service, especially in relation to their own health and that of others. The YRC has been introduced in my College since 1990.


  1. Promotion of health.
  2. Service to the sick and the suffering.
  3. International friendship.
How To Join

Student can voluntarily apply in the prescribed application proforma to join Y.R.C. and submit it to the Officer-in-Charge Our teacher is nominated by our Principal. He/She attends functions, seminars sponsored by Y.R.C.S. and in turn illuminates us in the College.

Annual Reports

YRC Activity Report:2017-2018

YRC Activity Report:2018-2019

YRC Activity Report:2019-2020

YRC Annual report 2020-2021

YRC Annual report 2021-2022

YRC Annual report 2022-2023

YRC Annual report 2023-2024