41 Years of Excellence

Overview of History Department

Head of the Department: Dr. Jatindranath Singdeb Sachan

Department Overview:
“Any Knowledge is incomplete without the knowledge of History”& “Man learns lessons from history and life”- are famous sayings. History is a branch of knowledge having the most ancient relic and the most radical modernity. This branch of knowledge has been the most inquisitive subject of fascination and investigation. It is not a record of document of wars and about success and failure,not a report of chronological events, but actually an expression of human progress, depicting the failure and glories of the past. It is the knowledge which persuades man to create a better logical and human future for any generation. Man learns by past experiences and constructive process of positive ideas which have been responsible for all human achievements. Therefore, the vision of the department is to carve out a picture of creativity and development as essential features for Human progress.  To Create Historical awareness  Among the students for the development of the healthy society.  To create awareness about local culture.

  • M1-: To make History to trace links from the most ancient period to the present world.
  • M2-: Teaching History as a tool and technique to understand basic human nature.
  • M3-: To enable the students to analyze every dynamic situation with a Historical approach.
  • M4-: To develop an curious mind among the students in relation to understanding the relevance of facts and evidence.
  • M5-: To develop the ability to examine and verify the evidence before arriving at an inference about human activities.
  • M6-: To teach History by subjecting the students to experiential approach by conducting tours, visits to Historical places.

Profile of History Department

  • PO-1: After the completion of the 3 yrs degree course in History, it is believed that the students would be well versed and acquainted with the developments of historical data and facts, historical perspective of various subjects relating to ancient, medieval and modern developments of states all over the globe.
  • PO-2: Attempts is made for students to develop their own ideas, critical thinking and express it in their own words. The students are expected to pass on their ideas and knowledge to others.
  • PO-3: The students after they have completed the courses are expected to have a sound judgment on historical data and evidence and should be able to have a critical analysis of the subject.
  • PO-4: Students should have a practical insight of the various historical arguments and various historical theories brought forward by historians.
  • PSO-1: The subject helps to understand background of our religion, customs institutions, administration and so on. Analyze relationship between the past and the present is lively presented in the history.
  • PSO-2: Develop practical skills which helpful in the study and understanding of historical events.
  • PSO-3: They are Draw historical maps, charts, diagrams etc. Understand the present existing social, political, religious and economic conditions of the people.
  • PSO-4: Develop interests in the study of history and activities relating to history. They are to collect ancient arts, old coins and other historical materials; Visit places of historical interests, archaeological sites, museums and archives; Read historical documents, Write articles on historical topics etc.
  • PSO-5: The study of history helps to impart moral education. History installs the feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the pupils. 
The course outcome for all the semesters of the Bachelor Degree in History may be as follows: -
Semester Course Course Name Course Outcome
Semester 1 AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management  Students will know about the environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics and pandemics and health disasters and management. Got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management.
CC-I Ancient History of India   The students gain knowledge about Ancient India, Pre-historic, Hunter-Gatherers and food production, Proto history about the Harappan Civilization & cultures in Transition through material remains.
CC-II Social Formations and cultural patterns of the Ancient-World The students get knowledge about the evolution of man and their cultures. It gives vast ideas about Egypt, Mesopotamia, China and Ancient Greece civilizations.
GE-I History of India-1 (Early Times to 1750) Student will know the ancient Indian History, Polity, Administration, Early medieval society, Economy and culture, Mughal administration, Art and Architecture, Regional language and Literature.
AECC Ethic & Value-I (Issues Relating to women) Develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of socity, and to attain gender equity
Semester 2 AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing etc.
CC-III History of India - II   This paper helps to gain knowledge about the economy, society, Changing political scenario of the Mauryan Empire. Post-Mauryan politics. It deals with Early Medieval India, The Gupta Age and Post Gupta politics, The nature of politics, Varna, Prociferation Jatis, changing norms of marriage and property. Expansion of Agrarian Economy, Religion, Culture, Philosophy and society. The students know about the past dynasties of Ancient India the rulers their administration and culture of that time.
CC-IV Social Formations and cultural patterns of the medieval world Student will know about the social formation and cultural Patterns of the medieval world. It narrates the policy and economy in Ancient Rome, economic developments in Europe from 7th to 14th centuries, Religion and Culture in medieval Europe and societies in Central-Islamic lands. The students gain knowledge regarding economic- developments, towns and Trade, medieval church. Rise of Islam etc.
GE-2 History of India -11 (1750-1950) Student will know about Foundation and Expansion of British Rule in India and their administration, Indian Response against them, Socio-Religious Reform movements in India. Issues of Caste and Gender, Indian National movements and making of the Democratic Constitution
AECC Ethics & Value-II (Values and Good Citizenship) Student will know basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism.
Semester 3 SEC-I Communicative English Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills, language proficiency, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading , writing etc.
CC-V History of India -III (750-1206) This paper contains the study of Early medieval India Such as political structures, & Agrarian structure and Social change, Trade and Commerce, Religious and Cultural Developments. The students will know medieval sources, Puranic traditions, Regional languages and literature, Art and Architecture, Process of Urbanization etc.
CC-VI Rise of the modern west-I   Students will gain Knowledge about Feudalism, Capitalism, Voyages and Explorations. The Renaissance and Spread of Reformation movements. Emergence of European State system, Commercial Revolution etc. It helps the students to know the Rise of modern west Social and Economic history of Early modern Europe.
CC-VII History of India 1V (1206-1526)   This paper contains the Sultanate period in India. The survey of sources, Emergence of Regional Identities, Society, Economy, Religion, and culture. It helps the students to know about the administration of Sultans, the regional dynasties and Regional Art Architecture and Literature.
GE-3 History of India-1 (Early Times to 1750) Student will know the ancient Indian History, Polity, Administration, Early medieval society, Economy and culture, Mughal administration, Art and Architecture, Regional language and Literature.
  AECC Ethic & Value-III (Issue of drugs, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and societal hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction
Semester 4 SEC-I QLT After reading this, Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking-level.
CC-VIII Rise of the modern West-II Student will know the English Revolution and European politics in the 18th century; Rise of Modern Science Mercantilism and European Economy and American Revolution. Students know about the French Revolution. After that Impact of modern science on European Society, Mercantilism Agricultural and Scientific background to the Industrial Revolution.
CC-IX History of India : (1526-1750)   Student will know about the establishment of Mughal Rule, society and economy and cultural ideals. Also the students know about the Mughal and their administration, the Land Rights and Revenue system, Religious tolerance, Art and Architecture, Mughal and Rajput paintings etc.
CCH-X Historical Theories and Methods Student will know meaning and scope of History, Traditions of Historical writings such as Ancient Greek traditions, Ancient Rome Traditions and Medieval Understanding, History as Inter- disciplinary Practice and Historical Methods. It helps the students to write the historical papers.
GE-IV History of India -11 (1750-1950) Student will know about Foundation and Expansion of British Rule in India and their administration, Indian Response against them Socio-Religious Reform movements in India. Issues of Caste and Gender, Indian National movements and making of the Democratic Constitution
AECC Ethics &value-IV (Ethical value for student life) To Familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics
Semester 5 CC-XI History of Modern Europe-1 (1780-1880)   The students will know about French Revolution of 1789, National Constituent Assembly, National Legislative Assembly, Nepolean Bonaparte, Congress of Vienna, July Revolution and February Revolution of France.
CC-XII History of India VIl (1750-1857)   Students will know about the British Rule in India and their administrations, Land Revenue system, Commercialization of Agriculture, Drain of wealth and Growth of modern Industries.
DSE-I History and culture of Odisha The student will know about Historical geography of Odisha, Kalinga war, Kharavella Imperial Gangas and Gajapatis, The political developments,   Ancient Odishan trade and commerce.
DSE-II History and culture of Odisha -1   Students will know about the conquest of Afghan, Mughals, Marathas and British Rule in Odisha and their administration policies. The students Know about the Resistance movements against the British Rule, Family & famine of 1866 and Formation of separate Province of Odisha.
AECC Ethics & value-V (Vulnerable section of society :understanding their issues)   To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.
Semester 6 CC-XIII History of India VII (1857-1950)   The outcomes of this paper are to know about the Cultural changes, socio and Religious Reform movements in India, Cultural Changes. The Rise of Nationalism against the British Rule. Gandhian movements. His Prospective and methods, Rise of Communalism in Indian politics, Subash Bose and INA etc.
CC-XIV History of Modern Europe- II (1880-1939) This paper helps students to know about modern Europe and Liberal Democracy, working class movements and socialism, the experiments in socialism, Imperialism war and crisis, and intellectual Developments.
DSE-III History and Culture of Odisha-III The students will know about growth of various Religion in Odisha, the growth of Odia literature, Art and Architecture etc.
DSE-IV Project Report The outcome of this paper is to give idea to the Project Report, how to prepare history and culture local personalities with their Significant Contribution to change the Society
AECC Ethics & value-VI (Environment and techno ethics) To Develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action

Courses & Syllabus of History Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of History Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 540 143

Laboratories of History Department

Calender of History Department

Workshops and Seminars of History Department

Faculties of History Department

Name : Mr. Subhransu Giri
Designation : Lecturer in History
Qualification : M.A, M.Phil, B.Ed
Experience : 1
Contact No : 7978296769
E-mail : girisubhransu129@gmail.com
Name : Pramod Kumar Basa
Designation : Lect. (Gr-A) in History
Qualification : M.A in History,B.Ed
Experience : 31
Contact No : 8763850350
E-mail : basapramod1967@gmail.com
Name : Kumarmani Nayak
Designation : Reader(SS) in History
Qualification : M.A in History
Experience : 37
Contact No : 9861008618
E-mail : kmnayak@gmail.com

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of History Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of History Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of History Department

Staffs of History Department