Lect. (Gr-A) | |
01.05.1991 | |
Permanent | |
Inorganic Chemistry, Green Chemistry | |
M.Sc , Ph.D | |
30 | |
9438855964 | |
saratmohanty08769@gmail.com |
[googlepdf url=”https://bbcollege.edu.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/PUNJABI-SIR.pdf” ]
Sl No. | Post Held | Name of the Institution | From | To | UG | |
Pass | Hons | |||||
1 | Reader in Chemistry | B.B.College, Baiganbadia,Mayurbhanj | 1.5.1991 | Till today | 30 Years | 11 Years |
Sl No. | Topic | Magazine / Publications | Year |
1 | Preliminary Survey of the Solid Waste in a medium hospital in Baripada (Odisha) | Chemical Weekly 45(52): 144-146 | 2000 |
2 | Bio-medical Waste of a Medium Government Hospital in Baripada Odisha. Daily generation and composition. | Chemical Weekly 157-159 | Jan, 2001 |
3 | Generation Rates of Bio-Medical Waste in eight wards of a medium Hospital in Baripada, Odisha. | Chemical Weekly 46(24), 169-171 | |
4 | Survey of Bio-medical Waste in a Small Government Hospital in Rairangpur, Odisha. | Chemical Weekly 157-160 | March, 2001 |
5 | Preliminary Survey of Solid Waste & Wastewater Management in Small Nursing Home at Baripada, Odisha. | Acta Cienece Indica Vol.XXVIIC, No. 1, 009 | 2001 |
6 | Generation and Nature of Bio-medical Waste from the Outdoor Department and Kitchen of a Medium Hospital | Journal of Environment and Pollution 8(4), PP-351-353 | 2001 |
7 | Daily Generation and Nature of the Bio-medical Waste from two units of a Government Hospital | Applied Science Periodical, Vol-III, No.83 | Aug, 2001 |
8 | Generation Rates of Bio-medical Waste in a Small Govt. Hospital in Rairangpur, Odisha | Indian Journal Environmental Protection Vol.21, No.5 | May 2014 |
9 | Composition of Bio-medical from some units of a Medium Hospital in Baripada, Odisha. | Indian Journal Environmental Protection Vol.21, No.5 | June, 2001 |
10 | Daily generation and nature of Bio-medical Waste from two wards of a Government Hospital | Indian Journal Environmental Protection Vol.21, No.4 | 2002 |
11 | Use of Throughway plastic for Road Construction – An approach to Environment pollution | KB Journal N.Applied Zoology (Vol.I) Pg-19 to 21 | 2008 |
12 | Methane- A Source of Greenhouse effect | U.G.C. Seminar Journal of B.B.College, Baiganbadia | 2011 |
Sl No. | Name of the Institution / Organization | Date | Level | Topic |
1 | Udala College, Udala | 23-24, Nov, 2008 | National Level | Health Consequence by Consumption of Poisonous Chemicals present in variety Tabacco product |
2 | M.P.C. Autonomous College, Baripada | 21.02.2009 | State level | Population and Global Warming |
3 | B.B.College, Baiganbadia | 29-30,Oct.2011 | State level | Global Warming a Threat to Bio-diversity |
4 | Dept. of Chemistry, Vanivihar | 09.12.2011 | International Level | Chemistry We Live |
5 | Seemanta Mahavidyalaya, Jharpokharia | 05-06- March 2012 | State Level | Green Chemistry in Sustainable Development |
6 | PG Department of Chem. North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha | 04/03/2012 | National Level | Materials Chemistry & Catalysts |
7 | B.B.College, Baiganbadia | 3-4-, Feb 2012 | State Level | Child Malnutrition as a Poverty indicators |
8 | PG Department of Chem. North Orissa University, Baripada, Odisha | 26-27 March-2014 | National Level | Materials Chemistry & Catalysts |
9 | Seemanta Mahavidyalaya, Jharpokharia | 9-10th Dec-2016 | National Level | Physiochemical Characterizations of Soil; Approaches and Sustainability |
10 | B.B.College, Baiganbadia | 1-2 Feb.2023 | State Level | The need Ethrobotanical studies of Similipal in the District of Mayurbhanj, Odisha |
Sl No. | Topic | Date | organized by |
1 | Chemistry and Chemist: Challenges and opportunities | 05.05.2022 | Tulasi Woman’s College , Kendrapada |
2 | Green Chemistry for Sustainable Future | 28/05/2022 | B.B.College, Baiganbadia, in Collaboration with Tulasi Womens College, Kendrapada, Odisha |
3 | Biochemical & Biomedical Approach on Covd-19 | 07/11/2020 | Upendranath College, Sora, Balasore |
4 | “Nano Materials” | 06/04/2023 | Tulasi Womens College, Kendrapada, Odisha |
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