41 Years of Excellence

Overview of Zoology Department

Head of the Department: Dr.Sanjukta Mohanty

Designation Reader in Zoology
Date of Joining 28.05.1990
Nature of Association Permanent
Qualification M.Sc, Ph.d
Contact No 8895269745
Department Overview:

Mayurbhanj, the largest district of present Odisha, is a place of looms and lores in the History of Odisha. Shyama Sunder Sarangi in his book “A short History of Mayurbhanj” mention that men were living in the forest region, 50 thousand years ago. A lot of stone made weapons of the Pre –historic period have been discovered at Kuliana, Kalabadia, and other regions.

B.B. College is one of the ideal colleges situated in the remote tribal area Baiganbadia of Kuliana block. It is near to the district head quarter Baripade of Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. Baiganbadia is surrounded by Similipal Biosphere Reserve which is a precious heritage of Mayurbhanja, gifted by nature with full of Biodiversity.

The recent earth is running through an age of science & Technology. The new thoughts of Natural Science and Social Science have a very good interaction in the present circumstances. The earth is the only planet blessed with an Environment. Being intelligent, man is inventive to yield it’s secrets to him. The study of the living world is both vast and fascinating owing to it’s immense diversity. There are about four millions different types of bacteria, protozoa, plants & animals which predominant the life of human beings.

         Zoology deals with the scientific study of animals. It involves a vast aspect of discipline including physics, chemistry, medicine, Genetic engineering, Environment, Apiculture and Sericulture etc. Zoologist specializes in the physiology, embryology or anatomy or in my other branch.

Zoology – the science of animals creates an awareness of vast array of forms of animal life which normally goes unseen. In the very beginning, animals were studied in relation to medicine, agriculture and horticulture. As the primitive man advances and ascended the steps of civilization, the importance of animals has been recognized more and more. The study of animals has contributed immensely for the very existence of human population on this planet.

            Nevertheless to say that there is ample opportunities for students, to frame his career with Zoology as the subject. So we study Zoology for academic as well as Vocational scopes.

To create a innovative atmosphere for teaching and learning to achieve excellence in biology education, Leading to the sustainable development of the society.To become a center ofexcellence in teaching, research and extension activities of basic and applied biology, agriculture, healthcare and environmental protection To inhere amongst the students the highest values of life, respect for Nature and to inculcate sound acquisition of knowledge of animal sciences through quality educational practices and research.The department promotes the discovery and broad knowledge about the biology of animals, evolution and their environments. The holistic development of the student and make them able to contribute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic era.

  • M1-:  Conducting educational tour to giving exposure to the students by visiting Animal park, dairy industry, Sericulture, fisheries, poultry farms, Zoo etc.
  • M2-:  To motivate students to conduct seminars, workshops on the topics included in the curriculum. It will help in achieving academic excellence and exposure.
  • M3-:  To provide a comprehensive training in theoretical and practical Zoology and Environmental Biology to students.
  • M4-:  To equip students with adequate practical skills that will enable them to function productively in society.
  • M5-:  To produce leadership in science and technology.
  • M6-:  To sensitize human society for animal welfare, conservation and protection of biodiversity.
  • M7-:  To develop the attitude of the students to concentrate on applied science aspects
  • M8-:  Transform society through the empowerment of women
  • M9-:  To develop research aptitude and a scientific advancement.

Profile of Zoology Department

  •  PO-1: Students gained knowledge of Zoology; it broadens their outlook towards importance of study of animals at undergraduate levels.
  • PO-2: It provides students a launch pad to enroll themselves in post graduate study in Zoology.
  • PO-3: It helps in applying the knowledge and understanding of Zoology in life and work.
  • PO-4: It helps in understanding environmental issues and conservative processes.
  • PO-5: Practical works make the students skilful which could be applied to solve common daily problems.
  • PO-6: Project works; field survey and short trips develop their talents and sharpen their brain.
  • PO-7: Develop empathy towards animals and care them better
  • PSO-1: Students acquires knowledge and understand the basic concepts of Animal physiology, Endocrinology, Developmental biology, Cell biology, Genetics, Evolution, Biotechnology, Environmental biology, Applied zoology, Zoogeography and Anatomy.
  • PSO-2: Ability to apply knowledge of biological sciences in Apiculture, Sericulture and Fisheries.
  • PSO-3: Understanding the relationships between animals, plants and microbes.
  • PSO-4: Acquiring more skill in conserving biodiversity in everyday life.
  • PSO-5: Developing firsthand knowledge by performing practicals. 
 The course outcome for all the semesters of the Bachelor Degree in Zoology may be as follows: -
Semester   Course Course Name Course Outcome
  Semester-I AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management Students will know about environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics and pandemics and health disasters and management. Got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management.
CC-1 Non-Chordates I: Protista to Pseudocoelomates   Students will know the general characteristics of non-chordates, Acquire knowledge on classification. Acquire skills in identifying representative species of groups studied.
CC-2 Principles of Ecology and Biostatistics Student will know about the structure and function of ecosystem, Wildlife Conservation and Management, population attributes, community characteristics. Student will  know about basic of statistic, collection of data, graphical representation of data, sampling techniques,
GE-I Chemistry Various structure, rules, principles on structure of atom, along with various wave function. Types of bonds their character and energy criteria.
AECC Ethic & Value-I Issues Relating to women Develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of society, and to attain gender equity.
Semester-II   AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading , writing etc.
CC-3 Non- Chordates II: Coelomates   Students will know the general characteristics of non-chordates, Acquire knowledge on classification. Acquire skills in identifying representative species of groups studied.
CC-4 Cell Biology Students will know about cells and cell organelles, plasma membrane and mechanism of transport, know the structure, function and properties of endomembrane & cytoskeletal network system and cell organelles, understand the importance of mitochondria in aerobes, the role of mitochondrial ETS chain, oxidative phosphorylation & mechanism of ATP synthesis, the structure and packaging of chromosome in nucleus, behaviour of chromosome during cell division, cell cycle and its regulation.
GE-2 Animal Diversity Students will know the general characteristics of non-chordates and chordates, Acquire knowledge on classification. Acquire skills in identifying representative species of groups studied
AECC Ethics & Value-II (Values and Good Citizenship)   Understand basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism
  Semester-III    SEC-I Communicative English Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening ,speaking, reading , writing etc.
      CC-5 Diversity and distribution of Chordates   Students will know the general characteristics of chordates, Acquire knowledge on classification. Acquire skills in identifying representative species of groups studied.
CC-6 Physiology: Controlling and Coordinating Systems  


Students will know about tissues and tissue systems, Gain insights on the histology of reproductive structures, their physiology, methods of contraception and hormones, Obtain information on endocrine system, knowledge on histology of endocrine   glands, their hormones, and the mechanism of action.
CC-7 Biochemistry and Microbiology They will know the Structure and biological importance of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins.  Gain knowledge isoenzymes, specificity and inhibition, derivation of Michaelis-Menten equation and significance.
GE-3 Chemistry  Students will Know about fundamental of thermodynamics, Concept of chemical equilibria and various physical and chemical properties of acylhalide alcohol, phenol, ether, aldehyde and ketone.
AECC Ethic & Value-III (Issue of drugs, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and societal hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction
Semester-IV SEC-I QALT Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking level after reading this.
CC-8 Comparative Anatomy The content of this paper gives the learner a detailed overview of the anatomical resemblance among the vertebrate animals from lower order to higher order across their evolution It also gives a detailed illustration of cellular development of various organ systems in vertebrate and linear progression of cellular derivative during organogenesis.
CC-9 Physiology: Life Sustaining Systems Students know about the significance of anatomical structures and physiological events and understand interrelationships of life processes. They acquire practical skills in identifying different organs, and perform laboratory work based on theoretical applications.
CC-10 Biochemistry of Metabolic Processes Providing overall knowledge on metabolic processes, compartmentalization of metabolic pathways and shuttle systems. Clarifying the students on carbohydrate metabolism lipid and protein metabolism by giving the idea about β- oxidation fatty acids, catabolism of amino acids.
 GE-IV Food and Nutrition It helps to get knowledge on balanced diet, nutrient proportion, and utility, ability to understand the causes of food disorders and remedial measures to be taken. It creates social awareness of health hazards and appreciation of good food hygiene.
AECC Ethics and value-IV (Ethical value for student life) To Familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics
Semester- V CC-11 Molecular Biology Students will get knowledge on the basic features of Watson-Crick Model of DNA, RNA types and                           their functions. It updates the knowledge on DNA replication, transcription &   translation and their post-processing regulatory mechanisms. They will understand the regulatory machineries of expression of genes..
                                 CC-12 Principle of Genetics Student will get knowledge on Mendelian and non-Mendelian genetics, chromosomal mapping and interaction of genes. It helps to understand linkage, crossing over, sex determination and role of extra-chromosomal inheritance. It helps to obtain knowledge on chromosomal aberration, causes and consequences of       mutations.
DSE-1 Endocrinology Students know the significance of endocrine gland, structures and function of the endocrine system. They are able to understand the hormonal pathways and interrelationships of neuro and endocrine processes.
DSE-2 Immunology Skills gained in modern techniques practised in immunological studies. Progressive information on defence mechanisms.
AECC Ethics and value-V (Vulnerable section of society :understanding their issues)   To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.
Semester-VI CC-13 Embryology Students understand the process of gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage patterns etc. It helps to obtain knowledge on the process of regeneration, apoptosis and aging. It reveals the techniques of in vitro fertilization and medical applications. It studies the causes and consequences of genetic errors of human development, inborn errors at transcriptional and translational levels and impact of teratogens on embryonic development.
CC-14 Evolutionary Biology The subject gives the students a strong understanding on initiation of life. It also illustrates evolutionary relationship of various organisms with response to various physical forces of earth leading to various adaptive evolution in species.
DSE-3 Fish And Fishery Appraise the significance of various morphological structures in fish. Apply information to understand sustainable fisheries and ecologically viable aquaculture methods. Ability to know fish diseases and preventive measures.
DSE-4 Project Sets the foundation for laboratory research, data analysis and presentation.
AECC Ethics and value-VI (Environment and techno ethics) To Develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action

Courses & Syllabus of Zoology Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of Zoology Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 540 96

Laboratories of Zoology Department

Calender of Zoology Department

Workshops and Seminars of Zoology Department

Sl. No Name of the Institution/ Organisation Date Level Topic
  1. Utkal University, Vanivihar. BBSR. Odisha , March 30-31. 2001   .National Symposium    .“ Super Cyclone  and eco- restoration  efforts to conserve biodiversity of Orissa state”
2 Udala College, Udala. Mayurbhanj Orissa, January 30-31. 2003     National Seminar    “ Sericulture is eco-friendly and   solving unemployment problem     in present day context
  3 Udala College, Udala. Mayurbhanj Orissa, , December 18- 19 2005     State level  Seminar  “ Issues of Human rights and  ethics in Biological      development”
4.  NMEP, Baripada 08.06.07 National    Level Work shop Conservation of Modal Tasar Eco race in SBR
5. U.N. College, Nalagaja Mayurbhanj Orissa, December 10- 11 2007   State Level Seminar  “Solid   waste Management”  
6. B,B,College ,Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, December 10- 11 2007   19th February 2011  Workshop  “Sericulture for Self-Employment”    
7. B,B,College,Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, July  21- 22, 2011     National Seminar  “Changing   Socio Economic and Cultural  profile of the tribes of      Mayurbhanja”
8. B,B,College, Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, October, 2 9- 30, 2011   State level Seminar  “Global warming: A cruel approach to Biodiversity”    
9. Betnoti College,Betnoti Mayurbhanj, Odisha, December 09-10, 2011  State level seminar          “Bioresource for rural  economy”  
2.Dr. Annapurna Dhal
Sl. No  Name of the Institution      Date    Level                Topic
  1. Janta College, Bakewar, Etawah,U.P. pp.54-55 February  06-07, 1998 National Seminar Natural  Resources    
  2. Utkal University, Vanivihar. BBSR. Odisha March 30-31. 2001   National Symposium “ Super Cyclone  and eco- restoration  efforts to conserve biodiversity of Orissa state”  
  3   Seemanta Mahavidyalaya, Jharpokharia, Mayurbhanj Orissa October  14-15  2001   State level  Seminar “Study of biodiversity in Similipal Biosphere reserve in  Mayurbhanj district of  Orissa”     
4 Udala College, Udala. Mayurbhanj Orissa January 30-31. 2003     State level  Seminar “ Sericulture is eco-friendly and   solving unemployment problem     in present day context
  5 Udala College, Udala. Mayurbhanj Orissa December 18- 19 2005     State level  Seminar  “ Issues of Human rights and  ethics in Biological      development”
6. U.N. College, Nalagaja Mayurbhanj Orissa, December 10- 11 2007   State level Seminar  “Solid   waste Management”    
7. B,B,College,,Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, December 10- 11 2007   19th February 2011   Workshop  “Sericulture for Self-Employment”    
8. B,B,College,Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, July 21- 22, 2011     National Seminar  “Changing   SocioEconomic and Cultural  profile of the tribes of      Mayurbhanja”  
9. B,B,College, Baiganbadia Mayurbhanj, Odisha, October, 2 9- 30, 2011   State level Seminar “Global warming: A cruel approach to Biodiversity”    
10. Betnoti College ,Betnoti Mayurbhanj, Odisha, Dec 09-10,2011   December 09-10,2011    State level seminar          “Use of Bioresource for Development of rural  economy”  

Faculties of Zoology Department

Name : Dr.Annapurna Dhal
Designation : Lecturer in Zoology
Qualification : M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Experience : 30
Contact No : 9437322021
E-mail : drapd2001@gmail.com
Name : Dr.Sanjukta Mohanty
Designation : Reader in Zoology
Qualification : M.Sc, Ph.d
Contact No : 8895269745

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Zoology Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Zoology Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Zoology Department

Staffs of Zoology Department

Susanta Kumar Bode
Name :
Susanta Kumar Bode
Designation : Demonstrator
Qualification : B.Sc.
Date of Joining : 01.09.95
Contact No : 8763363193
Sudhir Chandra Mohanta
Name :
Sudhir Chandra Mohanta
Designation : Lab Attendant
Qualification : H.S.C
Date of Joining : 03.08.1993
Rajaram Mohanta
Name :
Rajaram Mohanta
Designation : Demonstrator
Qualification : B.Sc
Date of Joining : 16.07.1990
Dillip Kumar Kar
Name :
Dillip Kumar Kar
Designation : Demonstrator
Qualification : BSc
Date of Joining : 07.07.94
Contact No : 9778204522