41 Years of Excellence

Overview of Mathematics Department

Head of the Department: Kedar Chandra Parida

Designation Lect. (Gr-A) in Mathematics
Date of Joining 25.05.1990
Nature of Association Permanent
Qualification M.Phil in Math
Experience 32
Contact No 9937409697, 9437086729
Department Overview:
Department is to be recognized nationally for its excellence in teaching. Department should be remembered in providing excellent Mathematical skills to its UG students. Department is to create a platform for encouraging outcome based research environment. Department helps strengthen reasoning skills and critical thinking. Department helps students to think analytically about the world and reason logically.

  • M1-: To excel in providing high quality Mathematical skills to undergraduate students.
  • M2-: A positive and resilient attitude towards mathematics and an awareness of the fascination of mathematics.
  • M3-: Competence and confidence in mathematical knowledge, concepts and skills.
  • M4-: An ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.

Profile of Mathematics Department

  • PO- 1: Students gained knowledge of Mathematics; it broadens their outlook.
  • PO- 2: It provides students a launch pad to enroll themselves in post graduate study in Mathematics.
  • PO- 3: It helps in applying the knowledge and understanding of Mathematics in life and work.
  • PO- 4:  Practical works make the students skilful which could be applied to solve daily problems.
  • PO- 5: Project works; field survey and short trips develop their talents and sharpen their brain.
  • PSO-1: Ability to acquire in-depth knowledge of Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, Real complex Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Differential equations and several other branches of Mathematics like Computer science. Thus, this Program helps learners in building a solid foundation for higher studies in Mathematics.
  • PSO-2: Utilize mathematics to solve theoretical and applied problems by critical understanding, analysis and synthesis.
  • PSO-3: Ability to communicate mathematics effectively by written, computational and graphic means.
  • PSO-4: Ability to apply multivariable calculus tools in Physics, Economics, Optimization and understanding the architecture of curves and surfaces in plane and space etc
  • PSO-5 Under graduate students are to be passionately engaged in initial learning with an aim to think differently as agents of new knowledge, understanding and applying new ideas in order to acquire employability/ self employment.
 The course outcome for all the semesters of the Bachelor Degree in Mathematics may be as follows: -
Semester Course Course Name Course Outcome
Semester 1 AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management  Students will know about the environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics and pandemics and health disasters and management. Got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management.
CC-I Calculus Students are expected to be able to use Leibnitz’s rule to evaluate derivatives of higher order, able to study the geometry of various types of functions, evaluate the area, volume using the techniques of integration, able to identify the difference between scalar and vector, acquired knowledge on some the basic properties of vector functions.
CC-II Discrete Mathematics The acquired knowledge will help students in simple mathematical modelling. They can study advance course in mathematical modelling, computer science statistics, physics, chemistry etc.
GE-I Calculus and differential Equations After completing the course, students are expected to be able to apply knowledge of calculus and differential equations in the areas of their own interest.
AECC Ethic & Value-I (Issues Relating to women) Develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of society, and to attain gender equity
Semester 2 AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading, writing etc.
CC-III Real Analysis On Successful completion of this course, students will be able to handle fundamental properties of the real numbers that lead to the formal development of real analysis and understand limits and their use in sequences, series, differentiation and integration. Students will appreciate how abstract ideas and rigorous methods in mathematical analysis can be applied to important practical problems.
CC-IV Differential Equations A student completing the course is able to solve differential equations and is able to model problem in nature using Ordinary Differential Equations. This is also prerequisite for studying the course in partial differential equations and models dealing with Partial Differential Equations.
GE-2 Algebra The acquired knowledge will help students to study further courses in mathematics like, group theory, ring theory and filed theory and linear algebra. It has applications not only in higher mathematics but also in other science subjects like computer science, statistics, physics, chemistry etc.
AECC Ethics & Value-II (Values and Good Citizenship) Understand basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism
Semester 3 SEC-I Communicative English Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening ,speaking, reading , writing etc.
CC-V Theory of Real Function On the completion of the course, students will have working knowledge on the concepts and theorems of the elementary calculus of functions of one real variable. They will work out problems involving derivatives of function and their applications. They can use derivatives to analyze and sketch the graph of a function of one variable; can also obtain absolute value and relative extrema of functions. This knowledge is basic and students can take all other analysis courses after learning this course.
CC-VI Group Theory-I A students learning this course gets idea on concept and examples of groups and their properties. He understands cyclic groups, permutation groups, normal subgroups and related results. After this course he can opt for course in ring theory, field theory, commutative algebras, linear classical group etc. and can apply this knowledge to problems in physics, computer science, economics and engineering.
CC-VII Partial Differential Equations And System Of ODES Student will be able to take more courses on wave equation, heat equation, diffusion equation, gas dynamics, non linear evolution  equations etc. These entire courses are important in engineering and industrial applications for solving boundary value problem.
GE-3 Real Analysis Students will handle fundamental properties of the real numbers that lead to the formal development of real analysis and understand limits and their use in sequence, series, differentials and integration. Students will  know how abstract ideas and rigorous methods in mathematical analysis can be applied to improvement practical problems.
  AECC Ethic & Value-III (Issue of drugs, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and societal hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction
Semester 4 SEC-I QLT Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking level after reading this.
CC-VIII Numerical Methods and scientific computing Students can handle physical problem to find an approximate solution. After getting trained a student can opt for advance course in numerical analysis in higher mathematics. Use of good mathematical software will help getting the accuracy one need from the computer and can assess the reliability of the numerical results, and determine the effect of round off error or loss of significance.
CC-IX Topology of Metric Spaces Students will learn to work with abstract topological space. This is a foundation course for all analysis course in future.
CC-X Ring Theory Students will continue more courses in advanced Ring theory modules, Galois groups.
GE-IV Numerical Methods Students can handle physical problems to find an approximated solution. After getting trained a student can opt for advance course in Numerical analysis in higher mathematics. Use of good mathematical software will help in getting the accuracy one need from the computer and can assess the reliability of the numerical results, and determines the effect of round off error or  loss of significance.
AECC Ethics and value-IV (Ethical value for student life) To Familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics
Semester 5 CC-XI Multivariate Calculus Student will be able to calculate double, triple and line integrals. They have idea of basis including greens theorem, divergence theorem and stocks theorem. He can take course in calculus on manifolds, Differential geometry and can help in numerical computations involving several variables.
CC-XII Linear Algebra It has applications in computer science, finance mathematics, industrial mathematics, Biomathematics etc.
DSE-I Linear Programming More knowledge on this topic in higher studies will help students to deal industrials models. This is also prerequisite for studying advanced course in nonlinear Programming problems, Inventory Control Problem and Queuing Theory etc. 
DSE-II Probability and Statistics The students shall learn probability and statistics for various random variables, multivariate distributions, correlations and relations. He shall learn law and large numbers and shall be able to do basic numerical calculations.
AECC Ethics and value-V (Vulnerable section of society :understanding their issues)   To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.
Semester 6 CC-XIII Complex Analysis Students will be able to handle certain integrals not evaluated earlier and will know technique for counting the zeros of polynomials. This course is prerequisite to many other advance analysis courses.
CC-XIV Group Theory-II Automorphism helps to study more on field theory. Students learn in direct products, group action, class equations and their applications with proof of all results. Thus course helps to opt for more advance course in algebra and liner classical groups.
DSE-III Differential Geometry After completing this course a student will learn on serret-Frenet formula, relation between tangent, normal and binormal, first and second fundamental form and ideas on various curvatures. He has scope to take more advanced course in surface theory and geometry.
DSE-IV Number Theory/ Project Upon successful completion of this course student will able to know the basic definitions and theorems in number theory, to identify order of an integer, primitive roots, Euler’s criterion the Legendre symbol, Jacobi symbol and their properties, to understand modular arithmetic number-theoretic functions and apply them to cryptography.
AECC Ethics and value-VI (Environment and techno ethics) To develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action with knowledge on ethics.

Courses & Syllabus of Mathematics Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of Mathematics Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 100 83

Laboratories of Mathematics Department

Calender of Mathematics Department

Workshops and Seminars of Mathematics Department

Sl No. Name Topic presented Year
1. Dr.KEDAR CHANDRA PARIDA Application of Geometry 10.01.2020
2 Dr.KEDAR CHANDRA PARIDA Duality in Simplex Method  ( Webiner ) 12.06.2021
3. Dr.KEDAR CHANDRA PARIDA Uses of Mathematics in General Life 22.12.2021
4. Dr.KEDAR CHANDRA PARIDA LPP by Simplex Method 11.11.2022

Faculties of Mathematics Department

Name : Kedar Chandra Parida
Designation : Lect. (Gr-A) in Mathematics
Qualification : M.Phil in Math
Experience : 32
Contact No : 9937409697, 9437086729

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Mathematics Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Mathematics Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Mathematics Department

Staffs of Mathematics Department