40 Years of Excellence

Overview of Logic and Philosophy Department

Head of the Department: Purnendu Kumar Paul

Designation Lect. (Gr-A) in
Date of Joining 15.12.1987
Qualification M.A in Philosophy
Contact No 9861440475
Department Overview:

The term Philosophy itself has a board spectrum. It originates right from the inception of civilization. It elongates its shadows not only in the subject itself rather it embraces many other thoughts and research works in other discipline, It basically strengthens the reasoning power of human mind and soul. Notwithstanding, Philosophy is the researching of eternal truth in the backdrop of time and culture. It aims at knowledge of truth and thus it is termed in Indian literature as the vision of truth (Darshana). However Philosophy in etymological sense is “Love of Knowledge”.

    Man is rational animal. Knowledge springs from the rational nature of man. So he wishes to lead his life in the light of knowledge of himself and the world taking into consideration not nearly the immediate results of his action but even their far reaching consequences. Philosophy is an attempt to satisfy the desire for knowledge. It is not therefore a luxury but a bare necessity for all human being. Because every man lives in accordance with own philosophy or with his own way of life. As an eminent English writer puts it “Men live in accordance with their own philosophy of life and their conception of the world. This is true even in the most thoughtless. It is impossible to live without Metaphysics. The choice that is given to us is not between some kind of Metaphysics and no metaphysics, it is always between a good and a bad Metaphysics.

Yet again, Philosophy refers to several tradition of philosophical thoughts that originated in the Indian subcontinent, including Hindu philosophy and Jaina philosophy. All of these philosophies have a common underlying theme of Dharma.

      However, philosophy is a science of all sciences and arts of all arts deals with the central issues of all universe as a whole which has its own glory and essence, found in ancient Vedic culture of India and has a base in every aspect of human life. Further as a value oriented education not only develops moral; nature and human status of life but also helps to bring world peace and harmony as a whole. But in the context of present day scenario with ultra modern human being are least worried for moral concept of life rather they are mostly attached with material gains. Despite of all these bearings the value education has been the need of the day through philosophical teaching and practical Yoga in different institutions with a view to bringing social harmony, peace and tranquillity.

Profile of Logic and Philosophy Department

Laboratories of Logic and Philosophy Department

Calender of Logic and Philosophy Department

Workshops and Seminars of Logic and Philosophy Department

Staffs of Logic and Philosophy Department