41 Years of Excellence

Overview of Logic and Philosophy Department

Head of the Department: Purnendu Kumar Paul

Designation Lect. (Gr-A) in Logic and Philosophy
Date of Joining 15.12.1987
Nature of Association Permanent
Qualification M.A in Philosophy
Experience 35
Contact No 9861440475
Department Overview:

The term Philosophy itself has a board spectrum. It originates right from the inception of civilization. It elongates its shadows not only in the subject itself rather it embraces many other thoughts and research works in other discipline, It basically strengthens the reasoning power of human mind and soul. Notwithstanding, Philosophy is the researching of eternal truth in the backdrop of time and culture. It aims at knowledge of truth and thus it is termed in Indian literature as the vision of truth (Darshana). However Philosophy in etymological sense is “Love of Knowledge”.

    Man is rational animal. Knowledge springs from the rational nature of man. So he wishes to lead his life in the light of knowledge of himself and the world taking into consideration not nearly the immediate results of his action but even their far reaching consequences. Philosophy is an attempt to satisfy the desire for knowledge. It is not therefore a luxury but a bare necessity for all human being. Because every man lives in accordance with own philosophy or with his own way of life. As an eminent English writer puts it “Men live in accordance with their own philosophy of life and their conception of the world. This is true even in the most thoughtless. It is impossible to live without Metaphysics. The choice that is given to us is not between some kind of Metaphysics and no metaphysics, it is always between a good and a bad Metaphysics.

Yet again, Philosophy refers to several tradition of philosophical thoughts that originated in the Indian subcontinent, including Hindu philosophy and Jaina philosophy. All of these philosophies have a common underlying theme of Dharma.

      However, philosophy is a science of all sciences and arts of all arts deals with the central issues of all universe as a whole which has its own glory and essence, found in ancient Vedic culture of India and has a base in every aspect of human life. Further as a value oriented education not only develops moral; nature and human status of life but also helps to bring world peace and harmony as a whole. But in the context of present day scenario with ultra modern human being are least worried for moral concept of life rather they are mostly attached with material gains. Despite of all these bearings the value education has been the need of the day through philosophical teaching and practical Yoga in different institutions with a view to bringing social harmony, peace and tranquillity.

• The vision of the department is to be the first choice among students for the development and • promotion of creative and capacities of students such as critical and analytical thinking, reasoning, close • reading, clear writing skill and logical analysis, upliftment of ethical and moral standards, and application of knowledge in practical life.

  • M1-: Transformation of society through the spread of knowledge.
  • M2-: Education of the youth and development of personalities.
  • M3-: Creation of dedicated human resources.
  • M4-: Help in Nation building.
  • M5-: Provide knowledge about how to keep the Nation clean.

Profile of Logic and Philosophy Department

The curriculum of B.A. with Philosophy is multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary in nature. The three year Under Graduate course in Philosophy Honours initiates students to Epistemology and Metaphysics, Logic, Indian Philosophy, History of Modern and Western Philosophy and Ethics, Philosophy of Religion and Existentialism.
  • PO1: The course develops interests in learning philosophy with clarity and analysing the philosophical concepts with philosophical reflection and analysis.
  • PO2:Being a student of philosophy they develop critical thinking and the skill of analysing.
  • PO3: Enable them to understand and fulfil the moral, social and political responsibilities as a member of the society.
  • PO4: At the same time the students also understand the need of thinking beyond a particular religious tradition to which they are born and practice.
  • PO5: They are able to broaden their approach towards others religions; Right/Ideal attitude towards other religion is also developed.
After successfully completing the 3year degree course the following Programme Specific Outcomes outcome are expected of the students:
  • PSO1: After completion of the three-year honours course in Philosophy students are expected to read the philosophical books written by various philosophers on various philosophical topics to get an overall idea of philosophy and also for widening the philosophical knowledge.
  • PSO2: To develop the logical thinking capabilities, to inspire other students also to study philosophy.
  • PSO3: To developed love for the subject, their power of constructive critical thinking and to provide logical and systematic solutions to the problems faced.
  • PSO4: To decide and progress in the philosophical areas to understand and to write research articles.
  • PSO5: To learn the research methodology and to apply them in writing research papers.
  • PSO6: to understand the importance and significance of the historical development of each philosophical tradition and attain knowledge from them.
  • PSO7: to develop a proper understanding and significance of the different kinds of traditions, social change, the role of philosophy in guiding each and every branches of social and political theories and also evaluating them.
  • PSO8: to understand the ethical and moral implications and to learn applying them in all the spheres of life either academic or non-academic
  • PSO9: with the knowledge in philosophy students can attain the capacity to become a good Philosopher, Counsellor, Academician, Politician and Social scientist. Etc
Course Outcomes (CO)
Semester Course Course Name Course Outcome
Semester 1 AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management  Students will know about the environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics and pandemics and health disasters and management. Got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management.
CC-1 General Philosophy This course of existence, explains the ultimate nature reality, Knowledge and goodness as discoverable by human reasoning. The problem of metaphysics is important problem in Philosophical explain emphasizes the problem of Universal, mind and body
CC-2 Logic & Scientific Method   Students will know about logical concept Principles. The procedure to make sound arguments, In logic we need proposition to make arguments so this is help to student to know that what are the methods of testing validity of arguments.
AECC Ethic & Value-I Issues Relating to women Develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of society, and to attain gender equity
Semester 2 AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading , writing etc.
CC-3 Systems of Indian philosophy-I   This paper concerned with the different views of School. It is  heterodox the Indian Philosophical  concerned with the orthodox and school, the theory of causation, Law of Karma, epistemology, metaphysics and soul theory
CC-4 Symbolic Logic   The fundamental of this course is the modern traditional logic. The course helps the know the use of symbols, the truth function, and using truth tables for testing the validity helps to develop a critical thinking of arguments and logical mental attitude.
GE-B-1 Symbolic Logic The fundamental of this course is the modern form of traditional logic. The course helps the Student to know the use of symbols, the truth functions and using truth tables for testing the validity of arguments. It helps to develop critical and logical method.
AECC Ethics & Value-II (Values and Good Citizenship) Understand basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism  
Semester 3 SEC-I Communicative English Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening ,speaking, reading , writing etc.
CC-5 Ethics   Students will know the concepts and traditional theories of basic moral philosophy and will develop right / ideal practice. It provides the relation of ethics with Sociology, politics and religion and various theories of Punishment.
CC-6 History of Greek philosophy   This unit deals with the Pre-Socratic and Socratic philosophy and thought. It helps the students to know the Pre-Socratic philosopher view regarding the origin of this universe.
CC-7 Systems of Indian Philosophy - II   Students will know the Indian Philosophical theory of Brahman, Atman, vidya, avidya. It the discuses Pramanas of Nyaya Philosophy Seven categories of vaise seka the concept It also provides of Upanisadic philosophy.
AECC Ethic & Value-III (Issue of drugs, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and societal hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction
Semester 4 SEC-II QLT Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking level after reading this
CC-8 Contemporary Indian Philosophy This paper, emphasizing on the Modern Indian philosophical concepts advantages of this  Courses are  that  which of Maya etc.
CC-9 History of Modern European Philosophy   This course introduces some basic concept western philosophy. This is emphasizing on the theory of substance, attributes and mode the source of knowledge, reconciliation between Empiricism and Rationalism, space and time etc.
CC-10 Philosophy of Language   This paper helps students to know the ‘meaning’ of the word. The student will be able to convey central theories and problems within the philosophy of language and see the revelance of these in other contexts.
GE-B-2 Indian Philosophy This paper concerned with the different views of the Indian philosophical school. It is concerned with the Orthodox and heterodox school, the theory of causation. Law of karma, epistemology, metaphysics and soul theory.
AECC Ethics and value-IV (Ethical value for student life) To Familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics
Semester 5 CC-11 Western Classics: Meditations of Rene Descartes   This course is completely based on Rene Descarte's Six meditations. This is based the concepts of mind and body, Primary and secondary quality, existence of God, will intellect, theory of ideas, clear and distinct perception etc....  
CC-12 Indian Text:  Isa Upanishad   This course will help the student to know how to give a commentary on the verses of Upanishad after knowing the Sankara's commentary
DSE-1 Philosophy of Bhagavad Gita Srimad Bhagavad Gita teaches how to handle that knowledge. It teaches soul can never be destroyed. It also teachers Karma Yoga, Janan Yoga and Niskama karma .This course  also explains Varnadharma, Swadharma, Swabhava
DSE-2 Philosophy of Religion The study of religion helps to critically examine beliefs and traditions that inform such views and shape peoples identity ,ethnicity,and behaviour.
AECC Ethics and value-V (Vulnerable section of society :understanding their issues)   To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.
Semester 6 CC-13 Social & Political Philosophy   The students get knowledge regarding the philosophical thought of society and politics, Political Ideals, justice, Liberty and equality.
CC-14 Applied Ethics   Student will know the application of the ethical principles social life. Theory of Euthanasia in talks about taking human life is justified or not It deals with arguments against and support of Euthanasia. This course designed for the theory of animal rights, abortion, euthanasia, ecology, doctor- patient relationship business ethics etc.
DSE-3 Gandhian Studies   Student will know Gandhian concept of truth, God, Non-violence, Satyagraha and sarvodaya. It motivates student toward the non-violence and help to change their behaviour to others.
DSE-4 Project Sets the foundation for laboratory research, data analysis and presentation.
  Ethics and value-VI (Environment and techno ethics) To Develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action

Courses & Syllabus of Logic and Philosophy Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of Logic and Philosophy Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 540 62

Laboratories of Logic and Philosophy Department

Calender of Logic and Philosophy Department

Workshops and Seminars of Logic and Philosophy Department


Year Date Topic Resource Persons No of Participants No of Papers Present
2018-19 25.10.2018 Philosophy and Methodology Ms. Swarnaprava Patnaik,Retd.Reader in Philosophy,M.P.C. (A) College,Baripada 30 05
2019-20 01.10.2019 Necessity Of Proposition For Valid Argument Prof. Gopabandhu Mohanta,Retd.Reader in Logic and Philosophy,Baripada College,Baripada 25 05
2020-21 17.08.2020 (virtual Mode) Sentence and Proposition Prof.Pradeep Kumar Rout,Retd. Reader in Logic and Philosophy,B.B College,Baiganbadia 40 15
2021-22 18.12.2021 Four Noble Truth of Buddhism Prof.Gopabandhu Mohanta,Retd.Reader in Logic and Philosophy,Baripada College,Baripada 45 10
2022-23 27.02.2023 Truth and Non-Violence:The Twin Pillars Of Gandhi Dr.Purnendu Kumar Paul,Retd.Reader  in Logic and Philosophy,B.B College, Baiganbadia 65 05  



Theory of Punishment

Prof. Pratap Keshari Sarangi,Retd.Reader in Logic and Philosophy



Faculties of Logic and Philosophy Department

Name : Pranati Sathua
Designation : Lecturer in Logic and Philosophy
Qualification : M.A in Philosophy
Experience : 6
Contact No : 8658012896
E-mail : pranatisathua@gmail.com
Name : Purnendu Kumar Paul
Designation : Lect. (Gr-A) in Logic and Philosophy
Qualification : M.A in Philosophy
Experience : 35
Contact No : 9861440475

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Logic and Philosophy Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Logic and Philosophy Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Logic and Philosophy Department

Staffs of Logic and Philosophy Department