41 Years of Excellence

Overview of Commerce Department

Head of the Department: Dr.Sandeep Kumar Patnaik

Designation Reader(SS) in Commerce
Date of Joining 15.05.1987
Nature of Association Permanent
Qualification M.Com,Ph.D
Experience 37
Contact No 9439889164
Department Overview:
The mission of the commerce stream is to promote learning by both students and Faculty to achieve excellence in education

  • M1-: • Popularizing Commerce education to all sections of the society.
  • M2-: • Ensuring quality education through teaching guiding and motivating the students.
  • M3-: • Develop the spirit of cooperation and healthy competition amongst the students.
  • M4-: • Ensure physical, mental growth and development of Students.
  • M5-: Emphasizing character building by cultivating human and ethical values amongst the students.
  • M6-: • Develop skills such as conceptual skills, technical skills and practical skills in the field of Industry, Commerce, Management and Accounting.
  • M7-: • Develop the skill of digitization.

Profile of Commerce Department

Program Outcome (PO)
  • PO 1: Students can develop knowledge in accounting, costing and finance
  • PO 2: Students can develop knowledge on banking sector, financing companies and industries
  • PO 3:  Students can acquire knowledge and skill in areas of communication, decision making and problem solving.
  • PO 4: Students can gain knowledge to face challenges and sustain at the organization level
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
  • PSO 1: Students will gain basic knowledge in the fundamental of Commerce and Accounting.
  • PSO 2: Curriculum offers a number of specializations and practical which would help student to face the contemporary challenges in the business activities
  • PSO 3: This program could provide well trained professionals to meet the requirements of Industries, Banking Sectors, Insurance Companies, Financing companies, Transport Agencies, etc.
  • PSO 4: Students can get skills regarding various aspects like Marketing Manager, Selling Manager, over all Administration abilities of the Company.
  • PSO 5: Capability of the students to make decisions at personal & professional level will increase after completion of this course.
  • PSO 6: Students can independently start up their own Business.
  • PSO 7: To prepare the students for preparing higher studies in business like M.Com, M.B.A, MCA, C.A, ICWA, ACS, etc.,
  • PSO 8: The knowledge of different specializations in Accounting, costing, banking and finance with Practical exposure helps the students to stand in organization.
  • PSO 9: Students can also get the practical skills to work as accountant, audit assistant, tax consultant, Computer operator as well as other financial supporting services.
Course Outcomes(CO)
 Semester 1 AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management  Students will know about the environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics and pandemics and health disasters and management. Got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management  
CC-I Financial Accounting   Students will get deep knowledge of financial accounting along with its practical application thereby giving an opportunity to gain easy access to this competitive business world.  
CC-II Business Law The students would be able to deal with the legal aspect of different business situations.  
GE-I Micro Economics The students would be able to apply tools of consumer behaviour and firm theory to business situation.  
AECC Ethic & Value-1  Issues Relating to women Develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of society, and to attain gender equity  
Semester 2 AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading , writing etc.  
CC-III Cost Accounting The students will be able to have confidence in managing cost issues and also to keep a check on cost control and taking managerial decision.  
CC-IV Corporate Laws Students would acquire knowledge about the legal frame work and the ways and means to deal with the legal aspect of different situations of corporate sector.  
GE-2 Macro & Indian Economy Students would be able to apply modern tools of macro-economic analysis so as to minimise the adverse impact of macro –economic factors on business.  
AECC Ethic & Value –II  (Values and Good Citizenship) Understand basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism  
Semester 3 SEC-I Communicative English Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening ,speaking, reading , writing etc.  
CC-V Corporate Accounting It provides concerted clarity about the techniques to prepare financial statements of companies along with accounting treatment of various situations viz floating of shares, amalgamation and liquidation  of companies.  
CC-VI Income Tax Law & practice This paper will provide the understanding of various provisions of income tax act as well as equip the students to make practical application of the provisions for taxation purpose.   
CC-VII Management Principles & Application Students would be able to make use of different management principles in the course of decision making in different forms of business organisation.  
GE-3 Business Statistics Students have knowledge of using different statistical tools required in the decision making process in any business as well as business research.  
  AECC Ethic & Value-III (Issue of drugs, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and societal hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction  
Semester 4 SEC-II QLT Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking level after reading this.  
CC-VIII GST and Indirect Tax The students will know the principles and provisions of Goods and services Tax(GST)  
CC-IX Fundamentals of Data Management After the completion of this paper, the students will have confidence in managing word document, preparing presentation, spreadsheet  preparation, database management, website designing.  
CC-X Management Accounting After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to have confidence in managing cost issues and also to keep a check or cost control and taking managerial decision.  
GE-IV Principles of marketing After the completion of this paper, the students will able to identify marketing components, and fix them in the value chain along with the various marketing strategies  
AECC Ethics and value-IV (Ethical value for student life) To familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics  
Semester 5 CC-XI Computerized Accounting and E-filling of Tax Return After the completion of this paper, the students will be able to have confidence in using generic software, designing computerised accounting system, e-filling of tax return.  
CC-XII Fundamentals of Financial Management After the completion of this paper students will be able to understand finance in a better way along with giving the in light to practical management of long and short finance for red business house.    
DSE-I Financial Markets, Institutions & Service After completion of this paper, the students will be able to understand the role and benefits of financial institution and services.  
DSE-II Financial statement analysis and Reporting After completion of this paper, the students will be able to prepare the end result of a business hours by preparation through financial statement analysis and reporting.  
AECC Ethics and value-V (Vulnerable section of society : understanding their issues) To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.  
Semester 6 CC-XII Auditing and corporate Governance At the end of the paper student will have details knowledge about principles and techniques of audit in accordance with current legal requirement and as per the guidelines of different statutory authority        
CC-XIV Business Mathematics Students will be able to understand basis concepts in the areas of business calculus and financial mathematics and to connect acquired knowledge with practical problems in economics practice      
DSE-III Fundamentals of corporate Tax planning After completion of this paper, students will be able to help tax consultants in tax planning, assessment and filing income tax returns of corporate sector, thereby they can get themselves self-employed.      
DSE-IV Business Research methods & Project work After complete now of this paper, the students will be able to assess and apply a range of research methods on a practical project.      
AECC Ethics and value-VI (Environment and techno ethics) To Develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action

Courses & Syllabus of Commerce Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of Commerce Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 540 62

Laboratories of Commerce Department

Calender of Commerce Department

Workshops and Seminars of Commerce Department

Session Date Topic Resource Person Students Present Nos of Students presented Papers
2018-19 09.10.2018 Relevance of 7 P’s of Marketing Mix Dr.P.K.Dash Principal B.B.College, Baiganbadia 40 03
27.11.2018 Impact of GST of development in Business & Finance Dr.S.K.Pattnaik HOD, Commerce Dept. 29 03
22.02.2019 Tax reforms and how it effects individual & Businessman Dr.S.K.Pattnaik HOD, Commerce Dept. 28 04
2019-20 08.11.2019 Need and Importance of Accounting standard in Business Dr.S.K.Pattnaik HOD, Commerce Dept. 27 04
22.11.2019 Advertising –An innovative Approach popularize the product Dr.A.M.Bhuyan Reader in Commerce 27 04
2020-21 (Webinar) 18.02.2020 E-Commerce in the present Situation-Analysis Mr.S.K.Sahu Lecturer in Commerce 31 03
2021-22 03.02.2022 Essentials of Income Tax & Preparation of Income Tax Return Mr.S.K.Sahu Lecturer in Commerce 30 03
2022-23 03.03.2023 Significance of Commerce Education in the Present Era Dr.Alaka Manjari Bhuyan, Reader in Commerce 35 03

Faculties of Commerce Department

Name : Sushanta Kumar Sahu
Designation : Lecturer in Commerce
Qualification : M.Com
Experience : 30
Contact No : 9437125816
E-mail : sksahu.kabu@gmail.com
Name : Dr. Alakamanjari Bhuyan Reader(SS) in Com.
Designation : Reader(SS) in Commerce
Qualification : M.Com,Ph.D
Experience : 36
Contact No : 9437444782
E-mail : alakamanjari64@gmail.com
Name : Dr.Sandeep Kumar Patnaik
Designation : Reader(SS) in Commerce
Qualification : M.Com,Ph.D
Experience : 37
Contact No : 9439889164

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Commerce Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Commerce Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Commerce Department

Staffs of Commerce Department