41 Years of Excellence

Overview of Chemistry Department

Head of the Department: Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty

Designation Lect. (Gr-A) in Chemistry
Date of Joining 01.05.1991
Nature of Association Permanent
Qualification M.Sc , Ph.D
Experience 30
Contact No 9438855964
E-mail saratmohanty08769@gmail.com
Department Overview:
To establish and to be recognized as a department of high standard in teaching and learning of recent Chemical Technology based on Green Chemistry and knowledge of Digital Chemical equipment approaches to enhance chances of employability of students.

  • M1-: In order to fulfill the mechanism of vision and goals, group discussion and debate based approach should be incorporated along with regular teaching. To make students updated in field of employability, soft-skill development and theory on Green Chemistry workshops are to be introduced.

Profile of Chemistry Department

  • PO-1: A graduate student is expected to be capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding both theoretical and practical knowledge in all disciplines of Chemistry.
  • PO-2: Course curriculum develop an inquisitive characteristics among students through appropriate questions, planning and reporting experimental investigation and to provide opportunity to act as team player by contributing in laboratory, field based situation.
  • PO-3: The course curriculum enable a graduate student to become a skilled project manager by acquiring knowledge about chemistry project management, writing, planning, study of ethical standards and rules and regulations.
  • PO-4: It provides good working knowledge for data analysis, use of library search tools, use of chemical stimulation software and related computational work. So it will bring good opportunity for getting job in industries besides academic and administrative works.
  • PO-5: It follows green routes to achieve sustainability. The course also helps them to understand the causes of environmental pollution and thereby applying environmental friendly policies.
  • PSO-1: The chemistry graduates are expected to gain knowledge of the Fundamental concepts of chemistry and applied chemistry through theory and practical.
  • PSO-2: Chemistry graduates are expected to possess minimum standards of communication skills.
  • PSO-3: It helps to achieve critical thinking ability to design, carry out, record and analyze the results of chemical reactions.
  • PSO-4: Chemistry graduates are expected to possess basic psychological skills so that they can deal with individuals and students of various socio-cultural, economic and educational levels.
  • PSO-5: Chemistry graduates are expected to possess sufficient knowledge how to synthesize a chemical compound and perform necessary characterization and analysis in support of the formation of the
  • PSO-6: Student can be technically well trained with modern devices and Chemistry based software.
  • PSO-7: Chemistry graduates are expected to be more aware about finding green chemical reaction and advanced technologies routes for sustainable development.
Semester 1 AECC-I Environmental Studies and Disaster Management    Students will know about the environment, pollution, environmental laws and population ecology. They get knowledge about epidemics, pandemics and health disasters and management. They got brief idea about climate change and sustainable development along with disaster management.  
CC-1 Inorganic Chemistry-1 Students will know about atomic structure, rules, and principles, various types of wave functions, mathematical model for orbital and sub shells. They will gain knowledge of elements and their properties, Types of bonds, character, energy criteria and Various redox reaction and principles.  
CC-2 Physical Chemistry It helps to gain knowledge on various laws and proportions of liquid, various types of solid, laws and defects of crystalline solid. Various laws, theory of various form of acid, base and salt. Determination of physical and chemical properties of liquid on various experimental methods.
GE-I Chemistry     Student will know about various structure, rules, principles on structure of atom, along with various wave function. Types of bonds their character and energy criteria. general organic chemistry and aliphatic hydrocarbon.  
AECC Ethic & Value-I (Issues relating to Women) It develop proper attitude towards women, allow women to realize their self worth and contribute their best for betterment of society, and to attain gender equity  
Semester 2 AECC-II Odia Communicative Odia course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening, speaking, reading , writing etc.  
CC-3 Organic Chemistry-1 Fundamentals of organic chemistry with stereochemistry. Preparation properties and uses of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbon. Experimental procedure for checking the calibration of thermometer and determination of M.P.  
CC-4 Physical Chemistry -II Fundamental idea and laws on thermodynamics, thermo chemistry and various types of heat of reaction with various energy criteria. Concept on chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constant and their relation. Solutions and properties with application in calculating molar mass. Experimental procedure for determination of heat capacity enthalpy.  
GE-2 Chemisrty   Student will know about various structure, rules, principles on structure of atom, along with various wave function. Types of bonds their character and energy criteria. general organic chemistry and aliphatic hydrocarbon.  
AECC  Ethics & Value-II (Values and Good Citizenship) Understand basic value of Indian Constitution, inculcating sense of volunteerism, patriotism
Semester 3 SEC-I Communicative English   Communicative English course is designed to enhance student’s proficiency in the English language with a focus on effective communication skills. Course outcomes like language proficiency, communication skills, Critical thinking, listening ,speaking, reading , writing etc.  
CC-5 Inorganic Chemistry-2   Explanation of general principal of metallurgy and refining. Various acid-base concepts with HSAB principle and application. Various concepts on chemistry of S and P block elements, compounds, polymers and noble gas compounds. Experimental procedure Iodometric, iodimetric titration along with proportion of CO2, CO, Potassium and lead chromate.  
CC-6 Organic Chemistry-2 Explanation of chemistry of alkylhalide, arylhalide, alcohols phenols, ethers, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic acid, acid-derivative active methylene compound and sulphur containing compounds. Experimental procedure for acetylation and benzoylation of various forms of aniline and phenol by conventional and green method. Bromination and nitration of acetanilide by various methods. 
CC-7 Physical Chemistry -3 Fundamental idea on phase equilibria explanation of phase diagram of one component system H2O and Sulpher. Explanation on phase equlibria of three component system. Explanation of catalysis, types and process along with ideas on. Explanation of various experimental procedure to determines distribution co-efficient among soluble and insoluble compound, kinetics and saponification.  
GE-3 Chemistry Students will know about metallurgy, compounds of s-block, p-block elements, chemical kinetics and kinetic theory.  
AECC Ethic & Value-III ( Issue of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction) Creating awareness about health and health hazards of drug, tobacco and alcohol addiction
Semester 4 SEC-I QLT Student will enhance their Quantitative logical thinking level after reading this.  
CC-8 Inorganic Chemistry-3 Explanation of werner’s theory, CFT, electronegativity principle back bonding, IUPAC Naming, Isomerism, CFT of various complex comp. Explanation of chemistry of transition, lanthanides and actinides comp. Explanation of major role of various elements in biological system. Experimental procedure for preparation of complex compound gravimetric analysis and chromatography of metal ions.
CC-9 Organic Chemistry-3 Explanation of chemistry of nitrogen containing functional group of organic compounds, diazonium salts and heterocyclic comp. Explanation of chemistry of alkaloids and terpens. Experimental procedure for detection of N, X , S in organic comp. and qualitative analysis of unknown organic comp.  
CC-10 Physical Chemistry-4 Various type of conductivity for different acid, base and salt solution and their variation. Ionic velocity, transport number and various applications on conductometric measures. Study on various cells, and application of EMF measurement liquid junction potential and basic idea on electrostatics. Experimental procedure on conductometry and potentiometry measurement.  
GE-IV Chemistry . Students will know about metallurgry, compounds of s-block, p-block elements, chemical kinetics and kinetic theory.  
AECC Ethic & Value-IV  (Ethical value for student life) To Familiarise the students with core value of academics and goals of education and to create awareness about unethical practice in academics  
Semester 5 CC-11 Organic Chemistry -4 Students will know about UV Spectroscope, IR Spectroscope and NMR spectroscope their application for identification of organic molecule. They will know about occurrence, classification, structure, biological importance of various carbohydrate, Experimental procedure for qualitative analysis of carbohydrate, aldehyde and ketone, unknown organic compounds and quantitative estimation of glucose, sucrose.  
CC-12 Physical Chemistry-5 Explanation on operator, algebra of operators, quantitative treatment of simple harmonic oscillator model of vibrational motion, rigid rotator model of rotation of diatomic molecule. LCAO–MO Treatment, VB Treatment and qualitative MO Theory. Explanation of rotation and vibrational stereoscopy and study of photo chemistry. Experimental procedural and observation of spectroscopic method spectroscopic titration etc.  
DSE-1 Polymer Chemistry-1 Learn about classification, nomenclature, formation process, mechanism and kinetics of polymers along with molecular mass of polymer and their determination.Properties of polymers (Physical, Chemical and mechanical)  
DSE-2 Green Chemistry Learn about green chemistry, principle of green chemistry examples of green synthesis of various compounds and companion of green method with manual method. Learn about green solvent, catalysts, and various non-solvent method of synthesis like microwave methods, ultrasound method etc. Learn about future trends in Green chemistry.    Know the experimental procedure like nitration of salicylic acid, preparation of nano particle and bromination of acetamide  
AECC Ethics &value-V (Vulnerable section of society :understanding their issues) To create awareness amongst the students about the need for ensuring dignity and equality for the vulnerable section of the society such as children, elderly persons disable persons and third gender.
SEMESTER 6 CC-13 Inorganic Chemistry-4 Details explanation of organometallic compounds, zeigler-natta catalyst, Grignard Reagent, Ferrocene and catalysis role of OMC. Explanation of catalysis role of Organometallic compound and thermodynamics and kinetic aspects and reaction mechanism of metal complex.  
CC-14 Organic Chemistry-5 Preparation, properties and reactions of amino acid proteins enzyme and nucleic acid. Detail description of lipid, and structure, importance of pharmaceutical compounds and dyes.  
DSE-3 Industrial chemicals and Environment Students will gain basic ideas on industrial gases and inorganic chemical, industrial metallurgy, environmental segment etc. Different parameter of water pollution measuring technique and sorts of water purification methods. Idea on energy and environment and concept of Biocatalysts. Experimental procedure to determine Dissolved Oxygen in water, COD, BOD of waste water and percentage of chlorine
DSE-4     Project work   Preparation of project paper after a study tour to a nearly chemical, metallurgical and environmental industry.
AECC Ethics & value-VI  (Environmental and techno ethics) To Develop awareness about environment for a sustainable earth and to bring  green technology into action  

Courses & Syllabus of Chemistry Department

Sl. no Title Download
1 1st Semester
2 2nd Semester
3 3rd Semester
4 4th Semester
5 5th Semester
6 6th Semester

Student Count of Chemistry Department

Class +2 +3
Student Count 540 43

Laboratories of Chemistry Department

Calender of Chemistry Department

Workshops and Seminars of Chemistry Department

Sl No. Date Topic Supervisor Paper Presented by Students
1 17.02.2018 Bio-inorganic Chemistry for Undergraduate Student Kailash Chandra Jena Reader in Chemistry U.N. College, Nalagaja Rohima Nisha +3 3rd Year
2 01.09.2018 Green Chemistry for Undergraduate Students Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma, Lect. (Gr-A) in Botany, Seemanta Mahavidyalaya, Jharpokharia Jayanta Kumar Mohanta +3 3rd Year
3 24.09.2018 Seminar on Goal of Chemistry (Green Chemistry) Dr. Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia Amita Marndi +3 3rd Year
4 01.10.2018 Limitation of Green Chemistry Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia 1. Abinash Mohanty +3 5th Seme. 2.Biswajit Dey +3 5th Sem 3. 2. Ajit Ku.Prusty +3 5th Sem
5 03.11.2018 Principle of Green Chemistry Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia 1.Shibaprasad Basuri 2.Biswajit Dey Ajit Kumar Prusty +3 5th Seme.
6 24.11.2018 Impact of Industry on Environment   Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia 1.Tapan Ranjan Mohanayak 2.Narsingh Tudu Subhashree Mohanta 5th Seme
7 01.12.2018 Atomic Economy Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia 1. Jayanta Ku.Mohanta 2.Aditi Mangarqaj +3 5th Sem
8 16.10.2019 Plastic Waste Management Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty, HOD, Department of Chemistry, B.B.College, Baiganbadia 1.Barsha Mohanta +3 1st Year
9 13.01.2020 Molecular Orbital Dr. Ramesh Kumar Behera, Lect. In Chemistry, P.S. College, Barsahi 1.Rajesh Rana +3 5th Sem.
10 01.12.2021 Green Chemistry Dr. Ramesh Kumar Behera, Lect. In Chemistry, P.S. College, Barsahi 1.Sugda Hembram 2.Jharana Mohanta +3 5th Sem.
11 27.02.2023 Organometallic compounds and its application to oxidative addition and Redvetive elimination.   Prakash Chandra Mohanta, Lect.in Chemistry, Rairangpur College, Rairangpur 1. Birodini Behera 2. Pratyush Mohanta +3 6th Sem.

Faculties of Chemistry Department

Name : Dr. Subhendu Das
Designation : Lect. (Gr-A) in Chemistry
Qualification : Msc, Ph.D
Experience : 32
Contact No : 9437086729
Name : Dr.Sharat Kumar Mohanty
Designation : Lect. (Gr-A) in Chemistry
Qualification : M.Sc , Ph.D
Experience : 30
Contact No : 9438855964
E-mail : saratmohanty08769@gmail.com

Faculty wise Lesson Plans of Chemistry Department

Faculty wise Lecture Notes of Chemistry Department

Faculty wise Video Lectures of Chemistry Department

Staffs of Chemistry Department

Dipak Kumar Sau
Name :
Dipak Kumar Sau
Designation : Demonstrator
Qualification : B.SC, (P.C.M)
Date of Joining : 13.7.1990
Dipika Sau
Name :
Dipika Sau
Designation : Demonstrator
Qualification : B.SC
Date of Joining : 07.01.1993
Nalin Kumar Senapati
Name :
Nalin Kumar Senapati
Designation : Lab Attendant
Qualification : 11th
Date of Joining : 18.09.1984